
Lapidary World is a totally non profit website. (See more details below.)
We provide as many free services as possible.

Making ends meet and to provide an ongoing service well into the future has
costs which must be met in one way or another so we are always grateful for
any donations people can make toward building this site and to provide an
ongoing service well into the future. It's a great interest and I think you'll agree
that this site does a lot to help keep interest within all the areas of this hobby.

Lapidary World is a totally self funded website.

Any donations or regular sponsorship is most welcome.

Donations by mail:

PO BOX 1443

Donations by using Paypal:

Make any payment to:

Or use this payment button
and enter any amount you choose:

Direct bank deposit:

National Australia Bank
Account: 599590368
BSB: 082 551

Governing Document


Please note that current Australian law doesn't have provisions for individual
businesses to be listed as non-profit only registered companies, even though this is
the way I operate this website. I make no personal income from producing this
website or for any of the free services offered.

All access to this website is free to view and all costs associated in maintaining and
providing any free services is privately funded by myself. I do accept donations,
sponsorship, and have advertising only to recover costs and expenses. But no
money received is used to pay for any profit, wages or personal income. I offer free
website pages for any Australian club associated to Lapidary on a 100% no cost
basis. My ABN: 34 027 969 321

No-profit clause

‘The assets and income of the website shall be applied solely in
furtherance of its above mentioned objects and no portion shall be
distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the website except
as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses
incurred on behalf of the organisation.’

Dissolution clause

‘In the event of the website being dissolved, the amount that remains
after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities
shall be transferred to another organisation with similar purposes
which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.’